I Can't Even:
A Pet Peeve Funeral
Installation with Steven Frost
I Can't Even: A Pet Peeve Funeral
Basement Projects
I CAN’T EVEN: A Pet Peeve Funeral January 7th-31st As the year ends it seems like more and more frustrating things keep piling up. Major sources of discontent like political unrest, bad break-ups, death, and job loss are amplified by the more mundane frustration caused by returning gifts, sitting in traffic, and waiting for emails.
Artists Steven Frost and Molly Jo Shea want to help guests of Santa Ana’s Basement Projects purge the pet peeves and anxieties of 2016 with their performance and immersive installation piece, I CAN’T EVEN. Guests of the exhibition are invited to bring their parking tickets, I voted stickers, white elephants, and emotional baggage to bury in a basement graveyard. The installation features a “Pet Peeve Cemetery” constructed of soft sculptures and found materials, video projections, an altar for grievances, and a lively funeral procession by Frost and Shea.
I CAN’T EVEN runs January 7 through January 31 with an opening reception and performance on January 7th from 7 - 10 PM. The funeral procession begins at 9:15PM (black attire is not required but not discouraged ). A closing event will be held January 31.